Manifesting Your Dream Job

Hello career changers!  So, you’re thinking about making a big shift in your industry or starting fresh with a new company?  Congrats!  It takes some serious consideration to make a move like that.  Before you leave your current position there might be some exit plan strategies to consider.

But let’s not kid ourselves, changing careers is no walk in the park.  It can be confusing, overwhelming, and downright frustrating.  Trust me, I’ve seen it all in my years as a Life and Business Coach.  People often leave a position because in one way or another they are not happy or feeling fulfilled in their current place of employment.  How can you consciously leave your current job for a job that truly meets those unfulfilled areas?

This might sound a bit counter intuitive, but start by appreciating things in your current position.  Think about the people or things you can appreciate in your current position.  Even if it is the small conversations you have with your co-worker down the hall from your office.  Perhaps it is having Friday lunches with another co-worker where you get to talk about your families and raising teenagers.  Write down every little thing you can appreciate and do it as often as you can.  This will create a momentum of more awesome things or jobs to come your way.

Next, you need to figure out what the you’re good at and what you actually enjoy doing.  This might sound easy-peasy, but it can be a real head-scratcher for some. Take some time to really think about your strengths and passions, and don’t be afraid to reach out to for help.  Visualize yourself in your new position with amazing co-workers that complement who you are.  See yourself with a significant salary increase and you providing amazing service while you have unlimited growth and potential in your new company.  Think about what is important for you and what you would like to manifest.

Once you’ve got a good idea of what you want to do, it’s time to start networking and take some inspired action.  I know, I know, networking might not sound so inspiring, but it’s crucial in landing that dream job.  Attend industry events, join professional groups, and reach out to people in your network for advice and support.  Try to align with events, situations, or circumstances that call your attentions.  Leave space for the unexpected events to surprise and delight you in unexpected ways.  Tell the universe you are open to receiving guidance and support.  You will take a step and the universe will take the next one.

But let’s not forget about skills and knowledge.  You need to be a total boss in your new field, and that means taking courses, attending workshops, and doing some good old-fashioned research.   Think about the version of yourself you want to create. Who does that person need to be?  How can you fill in the gap between your older version and the new version you need to create.

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.  — Albert Einstein


Last but not least, be prepared to make some changes and take some risks.  It’s not all rainbows and unicorns when you’re changing careers, but you can be as optimistic as possible while transitioning.  This does not mean to ignore your feeling during rough patches, but instead to recognize them and figure out ways to soothe yourself into a higher emotional state.  The transition might have some ups and downs but, it’s totally worth it to level yourself up.

So, there you have it, folks. Changing careers can be a wild ride, but with some alignment, perseverance, and a willingness to take risks, you can totally crush it. Good luck out there!

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