Tapping Into Heart Power

Have you ever felt that there’s something more to your heart than just a pump?  You’re not alone!  Many people are exploring the power of tapping into their heart frequency and energy, even though the idea may seem strange and mysterious.

One of the leading voices in this field is Gregg Braden, a best-selling author and speaker who has studied the intersection of science, spirituality, and healing.  He has found that the heart generates an electromagnetic field that is much stronger than the field generated by the brain, and that this field affects our physiology, emotions, and even the environment around us.

But how can we tap into this powerful heart energy?  According to Braden, one key to accessing heart energy is coherence, which means being in harmony and alignment.  However, let’s face it: coherence can be hard to come by when our minds are racing and our emotions are all over the place.

So, what can we do to cultivate coherence and tap into heart frequency and energy, even when we’re feeling uncertain and erratic?  One simple but powerful technique is heart-focused breathing, which involves slowing down and deepening the breath while directing our attention to the heart area.  This can help to calm the nervous system and create a sense of peace and centeredness, even if only for a few moments.

In the video below below Gregg Braden talks about how he witness a Native American used a type of prayer designed to bring about heart coherence and how it created a powerful manifestation.  He explains the technique and the philosophy behind the heart centered prayer.


Another way to tap into heart frequency and energy is by focusing on positive emotions like gratitude, appreciation, compassion, and love.  These emotions have a coherent, harmonious frequency that can boost our well-being and help us feel more connected to others, even when we’re feeling doubtful and moody.

Of course, tapping into heart frequency and energy is not always easy, especially when we’re dealing with the ups and downs of everyday life.  That’s why there are various tools and technologies available that can help us measure and enhance heart coherence, such as HRV monitors and biofeedback devices.  However, it’s important to approach these tools with an open mind and a willingness to experiment, rather than expecting instant results.

Ultimately, tapping into our heart frequency and energy requires us to embrace our many possibilities as human being, and to recognize that we are all on a journey of discovery and growth.  As Braden says, “The heart is more than an organ; it’s an intelligence that can guide us to the next level of consciousness and evolution.”  So, let’s take a deep breath, focus on our hearts, and see where this energy takes us!

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