7 Days of Silly Conscious Gratitude

Hello beautiful people!  Today, I’m going to talk to you about gratitude and how it can totally transform your life, like whoa!  Gratitude is like this superpower emotion that can shift your perspective and bring more joy and abundance into your life.

We all get caught up in our own drama and negativity, but by focusing on what we’re grateful for, we can totally change our vibes.  So, I challenge you to join me on a 7-day gratitude journey, filled with humor and bursts of awesomeness.  Let’s do this!



Day 1: Wake up and smell, see, taste, hear, and feel the gratitude.  As soon as you wake up, take a whiff of the air and express gratitude for not smelling like a gym sock.  Then, thank the universe for another day of existence and for not turning you into a zombie yet.

Day 2: List the things in nature that make you happy.  Write down a list of things that make you happy and grateful.  This could be anything from your pet rock, an ant crawling in the ground named Mr. Bubbles.  Seriously, any and all of nature you encounter.

Day 3: Say thank you for the people in your life.  Take some time to express gratitude for the people in your life who make you feel awesome.  This could be your significant other, your BFF, your boss (if you’re lucky), or even the barista who always gets your latte just right.  Say thank you, give them a high five, or do a happy dance. Spread the love!

Day 4: Express gratitude for every bit of food and water you consume even the chocolate chip cookie you thought you could skip.  Think about how blessed you are to have clean water and bless it before you drink it.  As you have your food image how it is making each one of your cells stronger, wiser, and more of a kick-ass human being.

Day 5: Be grateful for each piece of clothing and pair of shoes you own.  How lucky are you to be able to sport your cool collection of t-shirts to your fly pair of stilettos.  Strut your stuff with confidence.  You got it going on!  You have a unique style and look like no other.

Day 6: Appreciate and love those beautiful brown, green or blue eyes.  They are gorgeous and the gateway to your soul.  Be grateful for your good or bad hair day or perhaps just be grateful you have hair.  Love on your beautiful lips and hips.  Do a twirl and be grateful you can dance and move your body in any which way you possibly can.

Day 7: Love your  bed for the rest it gives you.  Thank your computer for how it helped you to complete your work so efficiently and it even allowed you to watch a couple of silly cat videos on YouTube.  Seriously, put on some tunes on your cool gadgets and dance like no one’s watching. Because life is too short to be a grump.

So, my fellow humans, let’s embrace the power of gratitude and have some fun while we’re at it.  Life is weird, confusing, and unpredictable, but it’s also pretty damn awesome.  Let’s make the most of it!



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