Tweaking Our Emotional Guidance Scale

What is the Emotional Guidance Scale?

The Emotional Guidance Scale was first written about by Esther Hicks in her best selling book, “Ask and It Is Given”.  Esther Hicks is a world leader and teacher in “The Law of Attraction”.  The Emotional Guidance Scale is a wonderful tool that can be used  to help us recognize where we are emotionally while at the same time we can contemplate how we would like to feel next.  It is not necessary to go from the lowest end of the scale to the highest end in one big leap.  Very often we can gradually move up the scale by simply being aware and having the desire to gradually move up.  Everyone can develop their style or method for moving up the Emotional Guidance Scale.  Below are the steps of how I use the Emotional Guidance Scale, but ultimately explore and find something that works for you.  You might want to play with some or all of my steps below and see what works for you.



Step 1: Recognize your current feelings

Start by looking into yourself and asking yourself how are you feeling?  Look through the Emotional Guidance Scale and find the emotional word that best describes how you are currently feeling.  Not every single emotion is on the chart so perhaps you might need to find the closest feeling.

Step 3: Acknowledge your feeling

Acknowledge your feeling without judgement and just recognize it is there.  You can use this time to reflect and think about the emotion.  You might even talk to your emotion as if it were a child that needed attention.  What do you want to say to it?  What does it want to say to you?

Step 4: Release anything that is not serving you

After you have listened to your feeling and acknowledge it. Give it love and recognize that in some way it might be trying to protect you from harm.  Thank your emotion for trying to protect you and send it love.  Let it know you got this and you are resilient. Feel empowered by knowing you can handle anything with creativity and love.  Release any feeling that no longer serve you and image the feeling slowly fading out of your being.

Step 2: What emotion can you reasonably reach for

Now consider what is another emotion you feel you can reasonably reach for?  If you are in fear, the last emotion on the emotional scale, you might not be able to jump to passion, but perhaps you can go to anger.  This would move up several levels up in the emotional scale.  After anger, you might go to doubt.  Regardless, you would be moving up until you get in the upper levels of the Emotional Guidance Scale.

It is a process of awareness, recognition, and honesty with ourselves.  Give it a try and let me know what works for.  What were your take aways.  I look forward to hearing from you.

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