A Bold New World

Let’s face it, being bold can be a scary thing.  Who wants to take risks and step outside their comfort zone when Netflix is just a click away?  But motivational speaker Mel Robbins has taught us, being bold is essential for achieving our dreams and living a fulfilling life, despite our human fears and insecurities.

First off, we need to recognize that our inner critic is just plain nuts.  It’s like having a tiny, angry person living inside our heads, constantly telling us that we’re not good enough or that our dreams are unrealistic.  But here’s the thing – that tiny, angry person is also perplexed and confused by life, just like the rest of us. So, let’s give that little voice a break and start questioning its nonsense.

Now, when it comes to taking action, I don’t know about you, but I always feel like I need to have everything figured out before I can make a move.  We don’t need to have a master plan to start moving towards our goals.  We just need to take one small step, and then another, and then another.  Before we know it, we’ll be running full speed ahead towards our dreams, even if we’re still slightly perplexed by how we got there.

Of course, being bold doesn’t mean being fearless.  Fear is a natural part of life, and it’s totally okay to be scared.  In fact, I’m scared of spiders, heights, and most of all, small talk.  But being bold means embracing our fears and facing them head-on, like the boss we are.  So, the next time you’re feeling scared, take a deep breath and tell yourself, “I’m not perplexed, I’m just being bold.”

Finally, feeling worthy is key to being bold.  We all have those days when we feel like we’re not good enough or that we don’t deserve success.  But guess what?  We’re all just a bunch of nutty, imperfect humans, and that’s okay!  We deserve to go after our dreams and achieve our goals, regardless of our perceived shortcomings.

In summary, being bold and feeling worthy is all about embracing our human complexity, and taking action towards our goals, even when it’s scary.  So, let’s give that inner critic a break, take one small step at a time, embrace our fears, and remember that we’re all worthy of living our best lives – even on days when we’re feeling totally perplexed.

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